Sunday, May 21, 2017

20 Time Reflection


I chose this project to help myself and others because I personally struggle with drinking enough water daily. I drink water before school and after school, but that hardy adds up to the recommended 7 cups a day. My goal was to design an aesthetic water bottle that would help solve the dehydration epidemic. My initial plan was to first figure out what kinds of functions I could fit into the bottle to make it multifunctional and unique. Then, I would find out what is needed to make those parts and how to integrate it in a way that is ergonomic and practical. 

I thought this project went smoothly, no real hiccups or anything. The only obstacle was blogger and trying to find information about the technology I was planning to use. Although information is very accessible  today, it was still difficult to find wholesale prices of materials and to understand how things like Bluetooth work. Maybe I just wasn't well versed in the tech language. Otherwise, the project took mostly just brainpower to hash out the details, which wasn't to hard once I got rolling. The water bottle is finished and I will not be continuing it past Anatomy and Physiology. I never really planned to make an actual bottle, but the plan on how to make one is all set and done. 

The most concrete thing I learned was a little bit about how Bluetooth works. Besides that, i now know that being an entrepreneur is hard! Perhaps the hardest part of the project was starting it. Everything I thought up of had already existed in some form or another. Even  this water bottle project had already been done in many forms, some more advanced than others. I changed my original plan of being super innovative and original to just trying to differentiate my product from other water bottles that supposedly reminded it's user to drink. My research skills improved because of all the extensive searching I had to do in order to differentiate my product. If I did this project again, I would probably shy away from creating products and focus more on a service or self improvement topic. In the end, my bottle ended up being pretty expensive and definitely not accessible to everyone. I would've liked my project to be more relevant and helpful to people all around the world and not just the well-off. I'm probably not going to continue this challenge, simply because the design is basically done and I don't have any plans to actually produce the product. In addition, my bottle is very much a first world product, but I know many people who can't afford the bottle have dehydration problems too.

I would give myself full credit for this project as I met all the deadlines and dedicated a lot of time toward researching. My blogs alone don't show the hours I've spent brainstorming just to be able to write my first blog. Blog posts 3 and 4 better show concrete evidence of my research. I stayed on task during the class time allocated toward 20 Time and I think I did a great job working on and finishing this project. I have already posted pictures of the prototype design I sketched out, so I will link the page here.

TED Talk Outline:
1. why I chose the project
2. give scary facts
3. talk about my process
4. drink water guys.

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