Tuesday, February 7, 2017

20 Time Project: H2OnTheGo (Post1)

20% Time is a personal project in which individuals or pairs have time to work on something that interests him/them. 20% of the time in a typical class once a week is dedicated to this.

To begin, I asked myself, "What are some day-to-day problems I face?" After long deliberation, I finally realized that I don't drink enough water. Especially during  week days, I drink maybe half the amount of the daily recommendation of 7 cups a day. At school, I'm often occupied with work or friends and I forget to drink regularly. I keep my water bottle in my backpack, so it's even harder to to remind myself to drink. For my project, I am attempting to end chronic dehydration--primarily in the United States. Drinking enough water is a crucial step to maintaining health. Dehydration can cause fatigue, high blood pressure, kidney disease, headaches ect.; simply drinking water is a easy solution anyone is willing to take--so as long as they remember to. That's where my idea comes in. 

H2OnTheGo is a water bottle that reminds the user to drink on an hourly basis. In addition to time reminders, it will recommend an increase in water intake in accordance to the surrounding temperature. For example, if it's a hot day, the temperature sensors in the bottle will indicate the user to drink double his normal amount. Most of the technological elements will be located in the cap of the bottle.

This projects will require me to do some research about how much technology like bluetooth chips or temperature sensors cost and how small each element can be in order to fit all of it into a cap. My goal will be to design an ergonomic glass thermos bottle with a sturdy waterproof cap that holds all the required technology. I will decide later what functions will be included and what should be cut based on cost and consumer tastes. Progress can be measured in the steps taken to produce a plausible plan for the creation if this product.

From here on out, I will be working on the design of the glass bottle, color schemes, waterproofing, technology, and whatever else necessary for the completion of the H2OnTheGo water bottle.


  1. I think this idea is one that is a very clever solution to the dehydration problem. Something you might want to look into is UC Davis talks a lot about keeping their students hydrated. Maybe you could see what worked for them.

  2. I think your product is really clever and will really encourage people to drink more water. If everyone has a cool new water bottle, many health problems may get better.

  3. I really like how original and unique your water bottle idea is, and I personally would buy this water bottle as I can relate to the problem of not drinking as much water as I should on a daily basis. Great idea!
