Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sleep Diary

As I expected, I didn't quite meet the 9 hours of sleep recommended for teenagers. In fact, this week isn't even an accurate representation of my daily school sleep schedule-- I had an unusually high amount of sleep as a result of a long weekend and also because my sleep deprivation caught up to me by the end of the week and I tried to sleep earlier than usual. Based off of the data I collected over the week, I averaged about 8 hours of sleep a day (I wish it were reality; 8 hours sounds blissful), but in reality my sleeping hours were erratic and not consistent at all.
On the other hand, I found that my sleepiness scale was relatively consistent day to day: I was most awake in the early afternoon and sleepy in the mornings as well as late afternoons.
This sleep diary did make me realize a few things: although I do not wake up (to my knowledge anyway) in the middle of the night, when I wake up in the mornings, I often don't feel fully rested. Perhaps this problem is a consequence of my late night electronic use, and the blue light emitted from the screen is causing my cortisol levels to the unbalanced. I can probably cut my electronic time, especially right before I sleep, in order to be better rested when I wake each day.

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