Friday, October 21, 2016

Blood Pressure

Analysis Questions:
1. Compare the systole to the diastole.
Systole is the contraction of a vessel and diastole is the relaxation of it. In relation to blood pressures, systolic pressure is the the maximum pressure during ventricular contraction and diastolic is the lowest pressure achieved in the arteries when it is relaxed.

2. What equipment is used to measure heart rate? Blood pressure?
A stethoscope is used to measure heart rate and a sphygomomanometer is used to measure blood pressure.

3. Why is using your thumb to measure pulse not ideal?
Because the thumb has a pulse of its own, reading the carotid or radial pulse with your thumb would result in unreliable data.

4. Describe how to use a blood pressure cuff. 
Wrap the deflated cuff snugly around the upper arm. Hold the pump in the hand of the opposite arm. Place the stethoscope head just under the cuff above the crease of the elbow. Inflate the cuff with the pump until the pressure gauge reads around 150. At 150, open the pump valve slightly so that the air lets our slowly. Listen for the heartbeat and record the pressure at which the first beat is heard (systolic). Keep listening until you cannot hear the heartbeat anymore and record that pressure (diastolic).

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