Monday, January 9, 2017


1. The obvious: sustain a healthy lifestyle. Previously, I've had periods of time where I'd be really into eating healthy or exercising every day, but it never lasted for more than a year. Since becoming vegetarian end of sophomore year, my diet has definitely become more restricted, but I want to cut down saturated fats and added sugars this year. I'm not really going to calorie-count or anything, but I'll watch my diet and refrain from packaged and processed foods. I think I'll also start running every weekend again like I used to to top of my health goal.

2. A goal for this semester specifically, as with all seniors, is to not slack off even though I feel a lack of motivation right now. I need to convince my self to learn for the sake of learning and not for a grade. Maybe I'll start a bullet journal to keep track of my time and inspiration. I think continuing what I've always done in the past (making lists, checking off homework) will be enough to keep me on track though. The homework for this class I feel is especially tedious, so I need to make sure I don't procrastinate on the work for this class.

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