Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Case of Hana the Banana

Hana the Banana Anterior View
Hana the Banana Posterior View
In the dissection of Hana, deep gashes in groups of 2-4 were found in oblique planes lateral to the sternum and pelvis on both the left and right side of Hana. A grouping of 3 cuts was on the posterior side of her head. A centimeter inferior to the chin towards the left, there were signs of puncture wounds in a shape of two crescents facing each other. Upon internal inspection, heavy bruising caused by the puncture wounds damaged the left sagittal plane.

Hana the Banana Sagittal Right View
Hana the Banana Sagittal Left View

Cause of Death:
The puncture wounds look suspiciously similar to the bite mark of the feline variety, but based on the size, the bite more possibly belongs to one of the monkey family. If the cause of the woulds were so, then the various lacerations along the body could logically be inferred to be claw marks. The largest grouping of gashes was a group of four, which would match how a monkey would likely scratch. As Hana the Banana was found in the middle of the savanna, death by wild animals is possible. It can then be hypothesized that a small animal such as a monkey took Hana's life.